So today I am spending the day planning out my Nosework Ninja’s workshop. It is happening on Saturday and I am really looking forward to it.
I LOVE scentwork!!
I love the difference it makes to dogs. The boost in confidence and focus, seeing their eyes light up when they realise they get to play their favourite game!
My girl gets super excited when she knows we are going to do scentwork. She starts squeaking and her eyes light up. You can tell she adores it.
I also love the difference it makes to owners. We all know dogs have a great sense of smell but we often don’t realise just how good it is.
Owners take their dog out of the house and are totally disconnected. The dog pulls at the end of the lead, straining to sniff different objects, paying no attention to Mum or Dad.
I went to a one to one on Friday with a lovely little Cocker Spaniel called Fenton.
Fenton is a typical ten month old Cocker. He loves EVERYTHING!! Including other dogs who he constantly runs off to and bounces all over.
This obviously is a very undesirable behaviour. If he does that to the wrong dog he can get seriously injured.
So our session was spent showing Fenton’s dad how to interact with him.
One of the main tools I used was scentwork.
At the end of our session Fenton was recalling away from other dogs. Something his dad was totally amazed by.
He told me he had given up hope. That he thought there was nothing that could be done to change Fenton’s ways.
I gave him the tools to interact with his dog. Make him and Fenton a team and scentwork is a key part of that.
There are still spaces on my Nosework Ninja’s workshop. Let me help you discover the wonderful world of scentwork and help those frustrating behaviours disappear.
